Sell first then buy? or Buy first then sell?

Monday Mar 04th, 2024


Many homeowners contemplating a move often find themselves struggling with where to begin. The initial step in making this decision is understanding the local market conditions, rather than relying solely on the information from the evening news. Fortunately, most Realtors offer free consultations to provide insights into these conditions.

Benefits of Selling First, Then Buying

  1. Power to Negotiate Top Dollar: Sellers who are not under pressure can carefully consider and entertain offers without feeling rushed.
  2. Conditional Offer Flexibility: Sellers can include conditions in their favor, such as making the offer conditional on finding a suitable alternate home.
  3. Confidence to Purchase: With the home sold, sellers have a clear budget for their next move. They can explore options like short-term renting to take their time in finding the perfect new home.

Benefits of Buying First, Then Selling

  1. Seller's Market Advantage: In a competitive market with low inventory, homes can sell within days of listing. Buyers must act swiftly to secure desirable properties.
  2. Can't-Pass-Up Listings: Unexpected opportunities arise, such as finding a dream home with an irresistible listing price.
  3. Opportunity Readiness: Being prepared allows buyers to seize opportunities even if they hadn't initially planned to move.

The decision to sell or buy first depends on market conditions, motivation, and financial standing. Real estate transactions vary widely, and understanding associated costs is crucial. Whether it's fees, penalties, or other expenses, being aware of these factors helps tailor the approach to each unique situation.

Daniella and I are always ready to meet with prospective clients to discuss their individual circumstances.

Giosetta Belperio & Daniella Campoli

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